Exciting news, loyal readers! I have finally (emphasis on finally) launched an Etsy shop! It's got the same title as my blog-- SnappingMonsters-- and I'm excited to be giving it a whirl. Sure, I only have five items for sale, but hey! It's a start!
I've enjoyed making altered art wallets and coin purses so much that those are the only things featured at present. I've filled them with all sorts of fun ephemera and artsy elements.
Here are just a few pics:
So please feel free to check out my Etsy shop if you're interested in seeing more. I've added a link to my blog's sidebar for it and a tab at the top so you can access it easily for however long I keep it going (no guarantees there)! I think it takes courage to put your stuff out there for all the world to see, but I'm always grateful for those of you whose art is a constant inspiration to me.